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  • Julie Summers

Splankna Deep Dive

Updated: Nov 15, 2023


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The Subconscious Mind - Our minds were created by God with a built-in filter, which includes everything existing outside of our conscious mind, therefore termed our subconscious. This filter sorts out every memory, experience and trauma storing them permanently and in most cases cannot be accessed easily. Using Splankna, in prayer, we ask the Lord to access our subconscious mind and map out the pathway to healing, as He sees fit. He is the full authority over this healing process.

What is Energy? At the sub-atomic level of creation everything is in motion. Nothing is as solid as it seems. “Energy” is the word science uses to describe whatever it is that causes the sub-atomic particles to move. It is not used in the strict sense but metaphorically. The earliest recorded reference to some kind of subtle energy was 5000 B.C. in India where it was called “prana.” In Japan and China, it is called “qi” (pronounced “chee”). Pythagoras called it “vital energy” in 500 B.C and in Hawaii it is called “mana.” It is said to flow through the body and require harmony and balance in order to facilitate health and long life. The energetic level of creation is theorized to permeate everything, like the basic sub-structure of the universe. Let’s say you visit an Acupuncturist, for example, with a complaint about a knee. He will place the needles in specific places, some around the knee itself and some in other points. He is placing the needles along the energy Meridian line that is understood to correlate to the functioning of that knee. Over-simplified, the theory is that the needles will re-draw the energetic current around the knee and correct its flow. If the energetic current is supported and in good working order, it will support the knee in healing. This level of creation is mysterious. The sub-atomic world operates in all sorts of bizarre ways, and our current models, though reliable, are still insufficient. For instance, there is Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. It shows that the position of a sub-atomic particle can be known, and its speed/velocity can be known, but they cannot be known at the same time. Further, particles seem to be capable of being in two different spaces at the same time. If you split one and put half of it in L.A. and the other half in New York and vibrate one of them, the other will also vibrate. These particles even seem to travel from point A to point B without crossing the distance in-between. Mysterious. The most decisive property of sub-atomic particles that relates to our discussion is that they cannot be observed with objectivity. Let’s look further into the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Quantum physicists realize that the very act of observation significantly affects the particles. Subsequently there is no way to objectively observe them because the observation itself has changed them. The particles will be in a particular state, but as soon as we go to observe them in any way, our observation changes their state. Attention itself seems to affect the particles. Our focus carries weight. This discovery has spawned the “power of intention” revolution within new age philosophy.

What is Energy Psychology? About 20 years ago, several treatment protocols emerged for applying this same Meridian System of Energy to emotional healing. “Energy Psychology” refers to the field of treatment protocols that seek to alleviate psychological symptoms via biomeridian manipulation. Here we will discuss its basic assumptions. The first is that our bodies seem to store all the emotions we experience in our lives like electrical charges. When we feel intense emotion, the body and the subconscious mind seem to hold something like an imprint of them - like an energetic signature. At any given moment in a person’s life, it is as if they are carrying their entire life experience in their body’s hard drive. The body carries these emotions and memories, both positive and negative. It seems that everything we think or feel has its own unique kind of energetic signature resonance. If you were to observe the body in any emotional state, upon investigation you would find that the current emotion is manifested in a particular

brain chemistry, neurological design and energetic signature in the body. This is assumed to be true for any thought or emotion. When I feel angry, my brain chemistry is matching the chemical balance for anger. When I’m aroused my neuro-networks are firing in a specific pattern that matches that state. These emotions that the body carries on the energetic level are stored in particular places called “meridian points.” The body seems to have a well-ordered cataloging system for these emotions. For instance, anger will be consistently stored in the Liver alarm point and grief will be stored in the Lung point and so on. Recent research done by Candace Pert, described in her book “Molecules of Emotion,” indicates that there is indeed more physiology to emotion than we have previously thought. From her exploration in microbiology, she explains that every cell in the body is covered in tiny receptors to which only specific molecules can attach. These molecules such as hormones and proteins (or peptides) function as tiny pieces of information in the body. They affect every organ, system and function. It is thought that this discovery begins to explain why embarrassing emotions can cause the pulse to race and the face to flush. Body and emotion are in tight communication. Energy Psychology uses the same Meridian System of Energy in the body that Acupuncture and Chiropractic are based on to release trauma that has been physiologically stored. On the energetic level, the body stores all of our life experiences. Stored trauma emotions are fuel for our psychological symptoms. The different Energy Psych techniques such as Thought Field Therapy, E.F.T., Tapas, Neuro-Emotional Technique etc., all have one thing in common: they use some form of “circuitry + intention” to facilitate the body in releasing stored trauma emotions on the energetic level. “Circuitry” refers to some form of accessing/manipulating the body’s energy system. “Intention” refers to the client’s focused thinking. For some reason that science is yet to explain, the combination of touch and thought allows the body to neutralize the stored energetic charge of an emotion. When a trauma emotion is released from the body, it is no longer fuel for the current symptom.

Energy in the Bible: Typically when Christians look for the concept of vital energy in the Bible they land on the idea of the “breath of life” in the Genesis account. Most of the time when the Old Testament speaks of the “breath of life” it uses the Hebrew word “Ruwach.” Pronounced “Roo-ahk,” #7308 in the Strong’s Concordance, it means “spirit” or “breath.” As spirit, it is used to denote the Spirit of God in the Old Testament and occasionally the spirit of a person or even an evil spirit. Another possibility for where the Bible references “energy” is in the Hebrew word “Chay” (pronounced “Kai”.) It is #2416 in Strong’s Concordance, and it means “alive,” “life,” or “living” in the Hebrew. It is used in conjunction with the Ruwach scriptures where it uses the phrase “the breath of life.” Ruwach is the “breath” and Chay is the “life.” It commonly represents the idea of a whole life or lifespan, i.e., “the six hundredth year of Noah’s life” (Genesis 7:11.) Each of these terms have their Greek counterparts in the New Testament such as the term “Pneuma.” However, the circuitry + intention of Energy Psychology is not manipulating one’s life force per se. At Splankna we believe that John 1 speaks more directly to what is happening in Energy Psychology. John explains to his audience that the Logos (typically translated “word” but just as accurately translated “active will/intention”) sustains all things. Johns’ audience was familiar with the term “Logos.” They used it culturally to refer to the universal life force, the cosmic animating principle. John was operating much like Paul in Athens by saying in effect, “What you think is a force, I introduce to you as the person of Jesus.” It is Jesus who animates all things by his constant will. Hebrews reiterates this idea… that all things exist, the particles are buzzing, because God actively wills them to. Quantum physics shows us that our intention also affects those particles. One of the many mysterious properties of the quantum level is that sub-atomic particles cannot be observed with objectivity. As soon as we look at them, our observation changes them. The quantum level gives us some insight into the mechanism behind what we know intuitively; our thoughts affect reality. God has built partnership into humanity. Every thought we think, every emotion we feel contributes to the quantum field around us. When we employ “circuitry + intention” we are just doing it on purpose. The change that is facilitated requires no spell to be spoken, no supernatural assistance... it is merely a property of God’s own creation, and we are so grateful for the myriad of ways He has given us to heal.

The New Age Question: The Christian community has considered energy healing off limits, and understandably so. The only developers of these tools have come from a New Age perspective. But the tools themselves are very effective, because God made them to be. It is time we took a redemptive rather than a fear-based posture. We must remove the New Age elements from these tools and recover them for God’s people and for His glory. In order to do that, we have to get clear about New Age. From the furthest cosmos to the smallest sub-atomic particle, New Age declares that all is “one.” Formally this is called “Monism” (from “mono” meaning one). It is the belief that there is no separateness in the universe. Not only between people, but between everything that exists. All things are thought to be part of one, whole energy or universal force. Following logically from Monism is the denial that evil exists, and the comfortable assumption that all is “divine.” If this energy permeates all things, it must BE God... and therefore the rock is God, the tree is God, and most importantly, I am. New Age has capitalized on the findings of quantum physics to “prove” that not only are you God, but you unilaterally create your entire life. They take the observation that our intention changes the particles, and they jump to the assumption that all is “divine.” The basic problem with the New Age perspective, if you boil it down, is that is denies the separateness and hierarchy of God. New Age Monism claims that all is “one” and that the energy IS God… and therefore I am god as well. That simple postulate of “oneness” undercuts the entire Christian worldview. If all is “one,” there can be no Lordship, no worship, no sin or salvation. The truth in New Age is this: at the energetic level, we are meaningful players in the universe. Remember, our intention affects the particles. Every thought we think, everything we feel, feeds into the energetic field around us. We are not mere pawns under the sovereignty of God. We have been given much more responsibility and privilege than that. He longs for relationship, for partnership. But in order to utilize Energy Psychology tools and stay within spiritual boundaries, we must hold fast to the separateness and the hierarchy of God. He is separate from me, and he is above me. No matter how much effect I am afforded, he remains LORD. There is no amount of “positive intention” that can completely control my life. I am a meaningful contributor, but I am not God. Example: Acupuncture: the mechanism of acupuncture is thoroughly redeemable. However, if the practitioner believes that he is revitalizing the inner divinity of the client, he will be bringing in demonic influence to his work.

The Witchcraft Question The other main argument against the Christian’s use of Energy Psychology techniques is that it is witchcraft. Let’s get clear again about our definitions. You would be surprised to find, if you studied witchcraft in depth, that a witch rarely believes him or herself to be aligned with evil in any way. In the natural sense, witchcraft tends to be well-intended for the most part. It is not enough to say that the lines between holy operation in power and witchcraft fall simply in whether one intends to do evil or good. Intending to go do good can still be witchcraft and one can be enacting a typically “Godly” practice with much witchcraft in the heart. So, what makes something witchcraft? It boils down to this:

Witchcraft is the pursuit of special knowledge or special power outside of God. Special knowledge: any information that is not one’s own in the natural order and not under the Lordship of the Holy Spirit. For instance, information about the future, about another person (not the client). The Holy Spirit may give special information, but it is by His discretion. It is not subject to the will of the asker. Special power: any power outside of the natural order that is not under the Lordship of the Holy Spirit. For instance, attempts to change events, people, the future etc. Obviously, the Holy Spirit offers power, sometimes dramatically. But the difference is Lordship. Power from the Holy Spirit is at the Lord’s discretion and is not wielded at one’s own discretion.

Example: Reiki: Third parties are often consulted (other than the Holy Spirit) in Reiki in order to guide the practitioner through the process of adjusting the client’s energy system into alignment. “Spirit guides” are what they’re currently called. Any supernatural or sentient entity that is pursued for power or knowledge is out of boundaries, no matter how benevolent they are believed to be. There are only three sources in the universe. If one is not pursuing God, the enemy’s camp will respond.

The Rubber And The Road It all comes down to this…Nothing under the sun belongs to the enemy. He cannot create. He can only abscond the things that God designed for good and then twist them for evil purposes. As long as we hold to a few basic boundaries of truth, we can move redemptively in the current holistic healing culture.

The boundary lines fall here:

Hold fast to the separateness and the hierarchy of God

Do not pursue special power of special knowledge outside of His Holy Spirit

Do not consult/utilize any supernatural entity other than His Holy Spirit

The issue does not lie in practice… it lies in LORDSHIP.

We need not throw out God’s remarkable creation in the energetic realm in order to stay true to Him. If missionaries worked with a tribe of Aborigines who believed that a demonic force caused an apple to fall from a tree, it wouldn’t therefore become incumbent upon the Christians to deny that apples fall... only why they fall. New Age says, “You are THE creator.” “Nothing exists unless you intend it.” The observation that we affect reality is true. The conclusion that we are god is the problem. We need not throw out one to preserve the other. Yes, we influence reality. We affect the particles and participate in animating energy, but I am not sovereign. I am not the I Am. I am merely his privileged creature. The fact that New Age stretches this into apostasy doesn’t mean I need to denounce the privilege. God says, “You are honored above all creation, made in my own image, capable of reigning with me.” The serpent says “You are god.” It’s the enemy’s fatal twist on a wonderful truth.

But wonderful it remains.

Our training institute is the first of its kind. For 24 years we have been developing an Energy Psychology protocol from a fiercely Biblical perspective. We are theologically conservative in that we acknowledge no other way to the Father but through Jesus, His son. We are liberal in that we believe all things belong to our Lord and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving. “For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer.” (1 Timothy 4:3-5).

The Splankna Protocol incorporates elements of Thought Field Therapy, EMDR and Neuro-Emotional Technique. It also incorporates prayer as an integral part of every session. We have a Level 1 Training and an Advanced. We welcome all who believe in Jesus and have a passion to see hearts healed. The hour is late and it is time for the Body of Christ to walk in wholeness and strength. This is a wonderful tool to add to the skills you already have. It is applicable to nearly any psychological symptom, but it really shines with PTSD and Anxiety disorders.

Used with permission by the Splankna Institute

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